Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Greetings All,

We took a brief look at warfare on the last post, and how the Lord was declared a man of war by Moses after he and the children of Israel witnessed first hand God defeating their enemies and delivering them out of slavery with a high hand.

We also saw how in Christ he has given us the victory over our enemies(Satan and his demons) in this present age and forever. Today I want to continue where we left off, putting on the armor of God, the armor of Light.

In the book of Ephesians chapter 6 the saints of God are admonished to "put on" in verse 11, and in verse 13 to "take unto" the WHOLE armor of God. Armor (panoplia 3833 in the greek) is defined as "full armor" and "complete armor". This armor can only work effectively as a whole, it is not intended to work as separate independent parts. Much like the body of Christ, we cannot function in the power God as individuals apart from each other, but as a whole body. God designed it to work this way. Unity of parts is more effectual than divided parts.

The terms "put on" and "take unto" are action terms, and it's implication is for us to be the one's to array or clothe ourselves. It is our responsibility to do our part and God will definitely do his. For verse 11 promises us by doing so , we WILL BE ABLE to STAND against the wiles of the devil.

The word "wiles" denotes cunning arts, deceit, craft, and trickery. So when we obey and put on the armor of God, God will cause us to stand against these wiles, it's a promise from the Lord. One thing we need to understand is we don't stand on our own strength and abilities, but in God's. The focus should always be on what God does in order to fulfill HIS righteousness and bring Him glory.

Armor is typically used as a protective covering, to prevent damage from being inflicted to an individual through use of direct contact weapons, usually during combat. Armor was commonly used for soldiers. According to (2 Timothy 2:3) we are to endure hardness (hardships, trials for the Gospel sake), as a good SOLDIER of Jesus Christ. In the following verse 4 we have been declared CHOSEN to be a Soldier. Paul was addressing Timothy in this text, but we can apply this to all Christians as well.

Soldiers are commissioned to follow orders, well good soldiers do. Since our Commander in Chief has never lost then we can have faith in his battle strategy. Since the word of God has declared us soldiers then we best equip ourselves for battle as soldiers do. In (1 Timothy 6:12) Paul instructs Timothy to FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT OF FAITH, LAY HOLD ON ETERNAL LIFE, . . . .

Our enemy is fighting against the saints of Jesus Christ, to keep us from inheriting eternal life he will battle us to wrestle it away from us. We must STAND on what God has promised us and not carelessly relinquish it to him. Eternity is at stake here. This struggle is no joke.

Now let's break down this armor as it is stated in scripture.
(Ephesians 6:14) STAND therefore, having your loins girt about with TRUTH, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;
Let's look at a few verses to see the spiritual benefits of STANDING in the Lord.

In (Galatians 5:1) STAND FAST therefore in THE LIBERTY wherewith CHRIST HAS MADE US FREE, . . . .
In (1 Thessalonians 3:8) For now we live, IF YE STAND FAST IN THE LORD. As we read these two verses we are exhorted to stand in the liberty because Christ has made us free from the bondage of sin and we live if we stand fast in the Lord. Liberty and Life when we stand in the Lord. These are great benefits, don't you agree.

In (Philippians 4:1) Paul said it like this Therefore, my brethren dearly beloved and longed for, my joy and crown, SO STAND FAST IN THE LORD, my dearly beloved. Stand fast in who? the Lord. This stand we must take is made up of an armor of spiritual components which are mentioned here beginning with having our loins girt about with TRUTH.

Loins (osphus 3751 in the greek) is defined as hip, without a hip we are not able to stand in the physical. In the spiritual our hip is to be girded with the truth of God. We must equip and fasten ourselves with truth when in the field(world) of battle and stand against the deceiving wiles of Satan who will be firing at us with LIES of all sorts. So it is important that we invest ample time in learning the truth of God and believing it.

In (John 14:6) Jesus declared of himself "I am the way, THE TRUTH, and the life": . . . . When we put on the armor of the truth you also have Jesus.

In (John 8:32) To the believing Jews Jesus said And ye shall know the TRUTH, and the TRUTH shall make you FREE. If we continue in God's word we WILL KNOW THE TRUTH.

In (John 17:17) Sanctify them through thy TRUTH, THY WORD IS TRUTH.


Those who speak out God's word through the spirit of truth declare God's righteousness in a world hungry and thirsty for righteousness. Jesus once said we are the salt of the earth, I submit to you that the truth is a type of salt. (Colossians 4:6) says Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with SALT, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man. When speaking the truth it should be done with wisdom and grace, but also in love (Ephesians 4:15) "But SPEAKING the TRUTH IN LOVE. . . .

The church in (1 Timothy 3:15) is declared the PILLAR and GROUND OF THE TRUTH. The church of the Lord Jesus Christ should not be a place for politics, worldliness, man made doctrines, money lovers, myths, liars or any other ungodly fleshly activities. So if you belong to THE CHURCH the word says we should be the pillar and ground of the truth.

The world does not know the truth because they don't know Jesus, Jesus has left HIS CHURCH to preach and teach the truth. Truth liberates, enlightens and equips us to see God clearly in the midst of all the darkness.

The truth protects us by giving us the ability to DISCERN BETWEEN GOD and EVIL. Yes, I mean GOD and evil not good and evil.

Adam and Eve had the knowledge of good and evil but it could not save them from the power of sin over them. Only BY KNOWING Jesus who is the truth can we clearly discern between God's way from sins way. The church or body of Christ should be where the truth is taught and expounded to empower the saints and equip them for their walk in Christ. We cannot stand without having the knowledge of the truth. We must know JESUS intimately to secure our stand.

The instruction in this proverb is to buy the truth and not sell it. We know that buying requires a cost. We purchase the truth by paying with our time, searching the Lord for it. The Bible says we should STUDY to show THYSELF approved unto GOD, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, RIGHTLY DIVIDING THE WORD OF TRUTH.

Studying requires of us to exert ourselves with diligence in pursuit of wisdom, instruction, and understanding of His holy word. As we study and seek with an open heart God will reveal His word to us. (Proverbs 1:23) . . . . behold, I will pour out my SPIRIT UNTO YOU, I WILL MAKE KNOWN MY WORDS UNTO YOU.

(Luke 24:45) Then HE OPENED THEIR UNDERSTANDING, that they might UNDERSTAND THE SCRIPTURES. If there is one thing that I have seen much of in my spiritual walk is the need for believers to truly understand the word. I would have to say that there exist a dearth of spiritual understanding in God's body. When the body is yielded to the Head you will find a body full of light, revelation and good spiritual understanding.

The truth has been tried by fire and has past the test of time. Generations of people have come and gone yet the truth of Jesus Christ is still standing stronger than ever, especially to those who have believed it. If we are to stand then we must possess the truth and use it under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

The next spiritual component is having on the BREASTPLATE of RIGHTEOUSNESS;

The breastplate of righteousness is not self righteousness, but God's righteousness. Righteousness is defined (Dikaiosune 1343 in the greek) as state of him who is as he ought to be, righteousness, the condition acceptable to God. Also integrity, virtue, purity of life, rightness, correctness of thinking feeling, and acting.

In the book of (Romans 10:3) Apostle Paul says of Israel For they being IGNORANT (having no light) of GOD'S RIGHTEOUSNESS, and going about to establish their own righteousness, HAVE NOT SUBMITTED THEMSELVES unto the RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD.
As you can see from this verse Israel made a grave error three huge mistakes are detected here.

1.) Ignorance of God's righteousness
2.) Trying to establish their own righteousness and
3.) Failure to submit to God's righteousness

Looking at this clearly we learn that being ignorant of God's righteousness will lead us on our own and result in failure to yield to God's will.
The key to God's righteousness is Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the righteousness of God. Believing in Jesus Christ and his redemptive work on the cross yields forth his righteousness.God has accepted the lamb of God which has taken away the sin and there is nothing anyone can add to this. This sacrifice fulfilled all righteousness as far as God is concerned.

All religions in this world are just wasting their time trying to be righteous and think God will be pleased with all their human efforts. If it's not JESUS , God will never ever accept their self righteousness. Remember what the prophet (Isaiah 64:6) Isaiah said But we are ALL as an unclean thing, and ALL OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS ARE AS FILTHY RAGS; and we ALL do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.

God is not interested in our sinful natures efforts to obtain righteousness. People of all religious persuasions don't see that Jesus is the perfect sacrifice. Jesus fulfilled every bit of righteousness for all people everywhere. People are 2000 years plus behind the times when it comes to understanding what God has done for all humanity. It's ALL about JESUS. God is commanding REPENTANCE FROM EVERY NATION and acceptance of Jesus Christ, then God will be pleased and we will receive the blessing from the Lord.

What all the races of this earth are blind to is that our SINFUL NATURE is what God has a major problem with. Religion has been nothing more than a strait jacket on people who are seeking after God. Do this don't do that, wear this don't wear that, eat this don't eat that, pray this time, and the list goes on and on yet people don't experience freedom but oppression within.

Jesus nailed all this lifeless nonsense to the cross because it could not deliver us from the real problem, the sinful nature. You can practice all the religion you want to but your still a sinner if you have not repented and turned to Jesus Christ and obey the gospel.

Let's look at a few scriptures. These verses all come from Romans.
(Romans 1:17) For THEREIN IS THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD REVEALED from faith to faith: as it is written, THE JUST SHALL LIVE BY FAITH.

Faith is a key ingredient in God's righteousness according to this verse those who have been justified (by the blood of Jesus Christ have their sins atoned for and forgiven) therefore God has accepted us through Christ. We have been saved by grace through faith and faith in Jesus is how we need to live the rest of our days for it to be the righteousness of God.

Abraham believed God and it was accounted unto him for righteousness. Abraham believed that God would provide the sacrifice when he took his only son to sacrifice him. I submit to you that God revealed to Abraham the only begotten son on the cross.


Now the breastplate of righteousness protects us when our adversary fires his doubts in the direction of our hearts. Why the heart? well look at (Romans 10:10) FOR WITH THE HEART MAN BELIEVETH UNTO RIGHTEOUSNESS; . . . . The heart needs to be protected to receive God's word unhindered. God's breastplate will withstand him because he can no longer penetrate his accusations against us before God. Jesus Christ has made us righteous and has removed the reproach of sin in our lives by his precious BLOOD.

We stand on what he has done for us and not doubt our salvation, and calling. The enemy will inject his venom of "IF YOU BE THE SON OF GOD". We have been accepted in the beloved, we are the children of God, and are growing to be the MANIFESTED SONS OF GOD after Jesus Christ.

The next part of our armor is the GOSPEL OF PEACE. Our feet should be shod with and prepared with the gospel of peace. (Luke 1: 79) To give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, TO GUIDE OUR FEET INTO THE WAY OF PEACE.

(Ephesians 6:15) And your feet shod with the PREPARATION OF THE GOSPEL OF PEACE;

(Isaiah 52:7) How beautiful upon the mountains (nations of the world) are the FEET OF HIM THAT BRINGETH GOOD TIDINGS, that publisheth PEACE; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, THY GOD REIGNETH!

(Romans 10:15) And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, HOW BEAUTIFUL ARE THE FEET OF THEM THAT PREACH the GOSPEL OF PEACE, and bring glad tidings of good things.

(Song of Solomon 7:1) How beautiful are thy feet with shoes, O prince's daughter! the joints of thy thighs are like jewels, the work of the hands of a cunning workman. The bible says we are his workmanship.

These three verses teach us about the feet of believers prepared with the message of good news that Jesus Christ has reconciled us back to God and we have peace with God. HALLELUJAH ! We can't speak of feet without looking at (Revelation 1:15) And HIS FEET like unto FINE BRASS, as if they BURNED IN A FURNACE; . . . . Brass (Chalkolibanon 5474 strong's) is defined as some metal like gold if not more precious. I submit to you that these feet represent the feet of the church (Body of Christ) who have gone through the refiners fire with the true gospel of Jesus Christ. These feet have gone through the fire for the gospel and are purified.

God is a consuming fire and his fire purifies HIS CHURCH but with the same fire destroys his enemies.

(Romans 5: 1-2) Therefore being justified by faith, WE HAVE PEACE WITH GOD through OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST: By whom also we have access by faith into this grace WHEREIN WE STAND, . . . .

So fellow believers wherever God leads our feet let them be prepared with this glorious message of peace. Since we have peace with God then we also should be at peace with people especially our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Now we come upon (Ephesians 6:16) ABOVE ALL, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench ALL the fiery darts of the wicked.

We have gone through some spiritual components but in this verse we see something extremely vital to our armor and it is the SHIELD OF FAITH. Above all or over everything else mentioned here the shield of faith is the most important of our battle gear. The shield we put up is one of faith, for without faith it is impossible to please our God. So whenever the enemy fires his fiery darts WE LOOK UNTO JESUS THE AUTHOR AND FINISHER OF OUR FAITH.

Jesus is the starter of our faith and it is his faith that he imparts to us. We just have to trust him in all our spiritual challenges and his faith will rise up in us through the Holy Ghost. David said in (Psalm 121: 1- 2) I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. MY HELP COMETH FROM THE LORD, which made heaven and earth.

God is well pleased is honored and glorified when we believe him no matter what our situation dictates to us. The faith that we have has been given to us as a gift from God, and this faith will be tested and tried for our growth. I have to confess that I tend to look at the waves (Luke 8: 22 - 25) of my trials and tribulations and have fallen short many times and presently I'm in the midst of another huge trial and I'm trusting I can go through this one with my faith firmly in tact.

If we want to see faith in action and it's fruit Hebrews chapter 11 is perfect. Faith is the shield to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. All that the enemy fires at us can be quenched. Quench (Sbennumi 4570 in greek) means to extinguish, of fire or things on fire, it also denotes to suppress, stifle. It does feel like fire when we are either in a trial, tribulation, or attacked but either way the shield of faith (The faith of Jesus Christ) , God promises , will be able to extinguish, suppress and stifle the enemy's fiery darts.

Daniel and the Hebrew boys were in the fire 7 times over and Jesus was with them in it and the only thing that burned away was the cords that had them bound. Faith in God delivered them. Their enemy saw them in the fire LOOSE WALKING IN THE FIRE and NO HURT. When we are in the fire for God only those things which the enemy try to bind us with will burn, but our faith will be purified and increase. They took a stand and trusted God to the end to see their faith perfected in the fire. The enemy threw them in to destroy them, but God used this to perfect their faith instead. What an awesome God we have.

Moving on to the next piece of armor we come across the HELMET of salvation.
(Ephesians 6:17) And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

What is this helmet of salvation? Well if we go to (1 Thessalonians 5:8) we get the definition,
But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the BREASTPLATE of FAITH and LOVE, and for an HELMET, THE HOPE OF SALVATION.

Before we look at the helmet of salvation I want you to look at the breastplate again briefly. In this verse the breastplate of righteousness here is described as the breastplate of faith and love. This confirms that righteousness and faith are inseparable for we cannot have faith without righteousness and we cannot have righteousness without faith and to take it further this faith works by love. This is the complete breastplate that believers are instructed to put on.

As for the helmet, the hope of salvation. Helmet in the greek means (Perikephalaia 4030) the protection of the soul which consists in (the hope of) salvation. We will look at hope because it is another important spiritual element of our armor that God desires us to have on. Hope is defined as a joyful and confident expectation of eternal salvation (Elpis 1680 in greek). Hopeful people are joyful and confident people because they have believed and received God's assurance that they are eternally saved. Their experience with God was authentic and they are personally convinced.

Before Jesus Christ saved us from destruction we were all without hope in this world. The hope we thought we had was based on human standards which was no hope at all in comparison to the hope of God. As we continue to see this world disintegrate daily before our eyes we will need to have our hope placed on God alone, if we are to stand in these evil times. We need hope to keep us going for without it people will generally give up. The Bible has many wonderful edifying things to say about hope so let's look at a few verses.

Now to understand the condition we were in before Jesus we turn to (Ephesians 2:12) That at that time ye were without Christ, being ALIENS from the commonwealth of Israel , and STRANGERS from the covenants of promise, HAVING NO HOPE, and WITHOUT GOD in the world:
As we read this verse we can see we were in grim shape, pretty much dead. The word says we were aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, strangers from God's covenants promise and we were hopeless and WITHOUT GOD in the world. Now I don't no about anyone else but when I lived in the Bronx I lived this to the letter.

I know what it is to have no hope for anything, to believe in no one. I know what it is to be angry at people and God and blame him for everything that went wrong. I even know how it brought me to the brink of suicide before an angel intervened. I know what it is to doubt and be in the abyss of pessimism about life. I also know mercy for it was God's MERCY that pulled me out of this hopelessness (for this I am extremely thankful to the Lord). This scripture text confirms my personal past life that without God we are utterly hopeless. We all like sheep have gone astray.

Like everything else in Christ HE is the only one to supply us with hope. (Romans 15:13) starts out by declaring Now the GOD OF HOPE fill you with all joy and peace IN BELIEVING, . . . .

God is certainly the one where hope comes from we cannot manufacture it no matter how bright we think our outlook on life is. Hope is not having a positive attitude, we are not batteries, a positive attitude only goes so far, but it does not atone for us, redeem us or saves us. When God causes us to hope he will also fill us with joy and peace. Those of us who have been truly regenerated spiritually know the joy and peace that flooded our souls at the beginning of our salvation. This was God's way of saying to us he was well pleased for believing and obeying the gospel of Jesus Christ. But it doesn't stop there.

What exactly does God cause us to hope for let's turn to (Titus 1:2) IN HOPE OF ETERNAL LIFE, which God, THAT CANNOT LIE, PROMISED before the world began; . . . .
We hope for eternal life, God promised it before world began for it is impossible for GOD to lie. We have to realize and understand what God has given us. There are too many Christians who are void of understanding their salvation and one of the reasons for this is they are not being properly nurtured and their careless with what God has done for them and resort back to the world and the old way of doing things, backsliding.

Why do you think that we are being taught from scripture to take unto us the helmet of salvation
as part of our armor. If we don't put on hope then we won't be able to stand. God did save us but we have to KEEP IT take a stand for the hope he has given us. Look at (1 Peter 1:3) Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his ABUNDANT MERCY hath begotten us AGAIN UNTO A LIVELY HOPE by the RESURRECTION of JESUS CHRIST from the dead.

David always proclaimed the everlasting mercy of God for he was a constant recipient of God's mercy, we all need it and we all have experienced it in one form or another. God sends it from the supernatural realm and makes it's way to the natural effecting our lives for good, many just don't recognize it as such because their simply not acquainted with God's ways. Their simply spiritually ignorant.

This abundant mercy has begotten us again to a lively hope. This hope is based on the resurrection of JESUS from the dead. We have all been dead and now we have been made ALIVE, thanks to Jesus Christ. That famous praise song of "amazing grace" should also have included this line "I ONCE WAS DEAD, BUT NOW I'M ALIVE", that's just me.

(1 Peter 1:13) Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and HOPE TO THE END for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.
Peter says hope to the end because we will be rewarded for maintaining our hope steadfast.

(Galatians 5:5) For we through the Spirit WAIT FOR THE HOPE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS BY FAITH. Yes there is a lot of waiting, but we must occupy until then.

The next part of our armor is (Ephesians 6:17) THE SWORD OF THE SPIRIT, which is the word of God.


To be Continued . . . God Bless!

Bro. Pete Mojica

Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.

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